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PAIG Client Library

The paig_client library allows you to seamlessly integrate Privacera AI Governance into your Langchain projects.

This README provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use the library.


You can install the paig_client library using pip:

pip3 install paig_client


Start your PAIG-Server. Create your AI application and download the Shield Configuration file. Place the file in a folder called privacera relative to where you are running the app.

# Import paig_client
import paig_client.client

# Setup Privacera Shield


Once you have completed the setup of paig_client, you can set the user in the context for Privacera Shield to use.

Using context manager

import paig_client.client


# Set the current user_name in the context
    with paig_client.client.create_shield_context(username="user"):
        response =
except paig_client.exception.AccessControlException as e:
    # If access is denied, then this exception will be thrown. You can handle it accordingly.
    print(f"AccessControlException: {e}")

Code Example

You can refer to the Sample Code.

Additional ways of passing the application config file to set up Privacera Shield

  • Place the file in privacera folder relative to where you are running the app
  • Set the environment variable PRIVACERA_SHEILD_CONFIG_FILE to the path of the file
  • Set the environment variable PRIVACERA_SHEILD_CONFIG_DIR to a folder that contains the file. Only one application config file should be present in the folder.
  • Pass the file path as application_config_file parameter to the setup function
  • Pass the string contents of the file to the setup function as application_config parameter
  • Pass a dict by converting file contents which is in json format and pass to the setup function as application_config parameter

You can create multiple applications

If your application has multiple AI models to be governed, you can create multiple applications as follows:

app1 = paig_client.client.setup_app(...)
app2 = paig_client.client.setup_app(...)
You can pass the following parameters to the setup_app function: - Pass the file path as application_config_file parameter to the setup function - Pass the string contents of the file to the setup function as application_config parameter - Pass a dict by converting file contents which is in json format and pass to the setup function as application_config parameter

And then you can pass the application object to the context manager as follows:

with paig_client.client.create_shield_context(appplication=app1, username="user"):
    response =

Note that you still need to invoke the privacera.client.setup() method before calling the privacera.client.setup_app(...) method.